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4641 BALES, silage, premium package, hyd pickup, spring loaded bale ramp, Atlas Pro™ control system
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504R Premium comes standard with silage kit, Camless wide pickup, Atlas Pro control system, Heavy- duty components
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59 900$ CAD / 41 551$ USD
5128 bales, 17 knives, net wrap, drop floor, floatation tires. The Atlas Pro™ control system helps to control the outcome of the bale from the convenience of the cab. Monitor bale shape and adjust density based on moisture, crop and customer preference for up to 50 fields. . Operators can select if they want to use 0, 8, 9 or 17 knives from the Atlas Pro™ control system in the cab for optimized bale density, fermentation, silage quality and digestibility. Monitor and adjust netwrap tension from the cab on a scale of 0 to 100 to maximize spread over the edges, depending on the type of netwrap.
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twin screw, 600 cu ft, 4 point scale w/ Bluetooth 0% for 60, 0.9% for 72, $3000.00 additional discount until October 15, 2024
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Rubber-mounted rake teeth, Improved tine design, Large, caster-type wheels, Control the width, basket lift and folding/unfolding systems right from the cab of your tractor. Good for both silage and dry hay. 0.9% up to 36 mos 1.9% up to 48 mos 2.9% up to 60 mos
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28Ft raking width maximum, rubber- mounted rake teeth, large caster-type wheels, hydraulic basket lift, optional powered splitter attachment 0.9% up to 36 mos 1.9% up to 48 mos 2.9% up to 60 mos
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17-knife chopping system, netwrap, Atlas Pro control system, heavy duty components 0% up to 60 mos 0.9% up to 72 mos
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0% up to 60 mos 504R Premium comes standard with silage kit, Camless wide pickup, 3 yr pickup warranty, Atlas Pro control system, Heavy- duty components
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28ft max raking width, rubber mounted teeth, hyd basket lift. Control width, basket lift and folding/unfolding systems right from the cab of your tractor. Optional powered splitter kit, light kit and single side raking available.