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17 250$ CAD / 12 059$ USD

  • # d’équipement d’AgricoleIdéal: 990782
  • # d'inventaire: 144899
  • Endroit: Alliston, Ontario

Ground Drive, Hydraulic Drive Attatchment Not Installed, 32 outlets/32-80 ft., 50 cu. ft. (2250lbs), Weather Tight Lid, Product Level Sight Gauge, Hopper Bottom Shut-Off Slide Gates, Air Manifold and Vanturi System Drop for Easy Cleaning, 28 Grove Plastic Metering Rollers, Hyd. Fan - 11.5 gal/min -- Product Level Sight GaugeHopper Bottom Shut-Off Slide GatesHyd. Fan - 11.5 gal/minHydraulic Drive Attatchment Not InstalledWeather Tight Lid32 outlets/32-80 ft.50 cu. ft. (2250lbs)Air Manifold and Vanturi System Drop for Easy CleaningGround Drive28 Grove Plastic Metering Rollers

(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)

Premier Equipment , Alliston, Ontario