405 000$ CAD / 281 935$ USD
120' Booms; Front Dividers; 650 Floats; Raven GPS; LED Light PKG
54 900$ CAD / 38 218$ USD
90ft Booms, 2 Sets of Tires, Raven Envizio, Hyd Tread
210 995$ CAD / 146 881$ USD
AirMax Precision single bin with 70' boom, Raven Viper 4 display -- 70ft Airboom
290 995$ CAD / 202 572$ USD
Chassis with 258 cu ft dry box model NL5258 G5, belt over chain, electric tarp. Viper Pro display, *** May 2024*** -- G5 New Leader box
Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix
40 000$ CAD / 27 845$ USD
1999, 800 Gallon, stainless tank, 80' boom, with foam, 5.9 Cummins engine, 3500 Hours on rebuilt engine, 6050 hours total, looks very nice,raven invisio, autoboom, accuboom shut offs, nicest 854 in captivity