96 000$ CAD / 67 420$ USD
2866 hrs, 8.4 litre Agco Power, 7 Speed Hydro, Hydraulic Track Adjust, 380/90R46 Goodyear 70%, 710/70R38 Mitas 60% Air Max 180, 60ft Boom with Left / Right Shutoff, Stainless Steel drop tubes on 30inch, Raven Viper Pro, Smartrax Auto Steer
160 000$ CAD / 112 367$ USD
2018 RoGator RG1100C, 4450 hrs, 380/90R46 tires @ 80%, Viper 4 controller, RSI GPS + Steering, AutoBoom, Air ride cab, LED lighting pkg., 1400 gal. tank, Liquid Logic, Recirculating boom, High volume pump with EStops, 120' boom, 20", 16 sections, End row pkg, Eductor, Simon Tank Monitor, Very tidy, Floater tires available. For more information, please contact Mike.
365 000$ CAD / 260 528$ USD
380/90 R46 80%, Viper 4 Controller, RSI GPS and Steering, XRT AutoBoom, Leather Seat PKG, Air Ride Cab, Light PKG-LED, 1100 Gallon Tank - Liquid Logic, Recuirculationg Boom, High Volume Pump with EStops, Boom 120ft boom with 15 sections, End Row PKG, 710 Floater tires
329 000$ CAD / 231 056$ USD
2020 RG1300C, Stainless Tank, 4 Wheel Steer, 380-90/R46, Hydraulic Tread Adjust, Air Spring Levelling, Norac, Monitor options available, Hawkeye available. For more information, please contact Mike Kuntz.
97 000$ CAD / 68 123$ USD
120' boom with 10" spacing, Viper Pro Display, RG 600 light bar, Front fill ,2 wheel steer ,Hydraulic tread adjust, 1100 gallon / foam marker, 320/90R50 tires / 65-70% tread, Leather. For more information, please contact Bryan Smith.
132 000$ CAD / 92 703$ USD
90' Boom, 10" Spacing, Stainless tank, GPS / Autosteer, Viper Pro Controller, Side fill, 4 Wheel Steer, Inductor, High volume pump. For more information, contact Mitch Clark.