- # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1297325
- Heures: 7537
- Endroit: Woodstock, Ontario
John Deere 8400, 16 speed powershift, 4 remotes, large 1000 PTO, quick hitch, LED lights, front and rear weights, 520/85R42 rear duals and 420/90R30 front tires. 7537 hours. $103,900 CAD. Shipping available across Canada and the USA.
(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)
- # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1315540
- Heures: 8044
- Endroit: Woodstock, Ontario
John Deere 4960, 15 speed powershift, 3 remotes, quick hitch, front fenders, front and rear weights, LED lights, 460/85R42 rear duals and 380/85R30 front tires. 8044 hours. $85,000 CAD. Shipping available across Canada and the USA.
(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)
4 700$ CAD / 3 260$ USD
13ft, newer blades, aux hoses, rear hitch, notched front blades
1 850$ CAD / 1 283$ USD
24ft, some new sweeps, hyd wings, buster bar harrow
175,00$ CAD / 121,39$ USD
pots, plate style
2 800$ CAD / 1 942$ USD
12ft, hydrostatic, new Argis knife, 6 cyl., new canvasses
18 500$ CAD / 12 833$ USD
diesel, w/9118 flex head, 4 row corn head, owners manual
175,00$ CAD / 121,39$ USD
fits 33 model, tin only, no gears or drives, 17 run
575,00$ CAD / 398,86$ USD
for seed drill, 10.5', bolts on back
3 800$ CAD / 2 636$ USD
24 run, dd, pw, used this season
3 800$ CAD / 2 636$ USD
18ft, quick attach, w/Cary wagon, aluminum reel. used last season
3 700$ CAD / 2 567$ USD
4 row narrow, quick attach, good cond., works good
1 650$ CAD / 1 145$ USD
17 run, rope trip lift, double disc, built on packer, grain only
Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix
for parts, cups, disc, etc...