155 000$ CAD / 107 714$ USD
140 pto horsepower premium series tractor with 30x15 powershift trani, 50 km/hr package, front axle suspension, cab suspension, auto steer ready, bar axle, michellin wide singles, powertrain warranty untill aug 2026
189 000$ CAD / 131 799$ USD
Kubota M7-172 4wd Cab Tractor with Front Hitch and PTO, Warranty until Aug 28/2026. Preventative Maintenance Package ends Aug 28/2026. Powertrain warranty ends Aug 28/2028. 4 remotes, Powershift 50 km transmission, Three point top link, Front Tires 540/65R28 Michelin, % Wear 90. Rear Tires 650/65R38 Michelin, % wear 95. No Duals.
205 000$ CAD / 142 460$ USD
6.1 LIT 169 HP, 24F/12R Power Rev., LH Reverser, Diff. Lock, MFWD, Michelin 540/65R/28 Front Tires, Michelin 650/65R/38 Rear Tires, Ballast 1000 LBS CAST WEIGHT PLUS FLUID IN REAR TIRES, 540/1000 PTO, 3 Scv's, 3pt Hitch, Deluxe Cab, HID Lighting, Standard Radio, Self Leveling Loader, Loader Suspension, 100" Bucket, Grapple, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Loader SuspensionMFWDSelf Leveling LoaderLH Reverser3 Scv's3pt Hitch6.1 LIT 169 HPDiff. Lock540/1000 PTOGuidance-ready: NoBallast 1000 LBS CAST WEIGHT PLUS FLUID IN REAR TIRESMichelin 540/65R/28 Front TiresRear PTO: 540/1000Michelin 650/65R/38 Rear TiresCab100" BucketGuidance Receiver: NoConfiguration: StandardHID LightingGrapple24F/12R Power Rev.Standard RadioTransmission: Partial Power ShiftFront Axle: MFWDLoader: YesTire Width: MidDeluxe CabGuidance Display: No
230 000$ CAD / 159 833$ USD
6.1 Lit 169 HP, 24F/12R Power Rev., LH Reverser, Diff. Lock, MFWD, Michelin 480/65R/28 Front Tires, Michelin 650/65R/38 Rear Tires, 1000 Lbs Cast And Fluid In Rear Tires, 540/1000 PTO, 3 Scv's, 3pt Hitch, Deluxe Cab, HID Lighting, Standard Radio, Self Leveling Loader, Loader Suspension, 100" Bucket, Grapple, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Loader SuspensionMFWDSelf Leveling LoaderLH Reverser3 Scv's3pt Hitch6.1 Lit 169 HPDiff. LockMichelin 480/65R/28 Front Tires540/1000 PTOGuidance-ready: No1000 lbs cast and Fluid in rear tiresRear PTO: 540/1000Michelin 650/65R/38 Rear TiresCab100" BucketGuidance Receiver: NoConfiguration: StandardHID LightingGrapple24F/12R Power Rev.Standard RadioTransmission: Partial Power ShiftFront Axle: MFWDLoader: YesTire Width: MidDeluxe CabGuidance Display: No