65 000$ CAD / 45 340$ USD
2014 Horsch Anderson RT270 27’ Joker High Speed Disc Call Brian Headon for Details @ 780-870-8900 Joker RT series high speed disc is used for quick stubble cultivation with large working width Clever alternative to vertical tillage, field cultivators, soil finishers, and tandem disc harrows Multi-purpose tillage tool with excellent performance in both primary and secondary tillage applications. Aggressive crop residue management by adequate sizing, thorough mixing of soil/residue, and consolidation for accelerated decomposition. Excellent seedbed preparation through maintaining precise tillage depth, thorough soil tilth, and soil consolidation. Soil consolidation by the packer creates capillary effect where moisture is conserved and maintained within the seedbed. Soil erosion from water and wind is drastically reduced. Significant reduction of the effects of carbon penalty in early crop development. Soil consolidation promotes rapid and even emergence of seedlings which is the first step to achieving maximum potential yields. Applications include seedbed preparation, fertilizer/manure incorporation, incorporating pre-emerge herbicides, residue management, field conditioning, and specialty crop applications. Deliveries are available, ask your salesperson for details.Prices