180 000$ CAD / 126 868$ USD
615P Pickup - Contour Master Feederhouse - Premium Cab with Premium Radio - HID Lighting - AutoTrac Ready with Harvest Monitor - Armrest mounted 2630 Display - 3 Speed Transmission (Electric Shift) - Variable Stream Rotor - 26' Unloading Auger - Advanced PowerCast Powered Tailboard - 520/85R42 Duals - SideHill Performance Package - Additional "Full" Grain Tank Sensor. -- Duals/Singles: DualsArmrest mounted 2630 Display615P PickupVariable Stream Rotor520/85R42 DualsChopper/Spreader: SpreaderCombine Type: Small GrainPremium Cab with Premium RadioHID LightingHeader: YesOptions: Yield MonitorAxle: 2WDSideHill Performance Package26' Unloading Auger3 Speed Transmission (Electric Shift)AutoTrac Ready with Harvest MonitorContour Master FeederhouseAdditional "Full" Grain Tank SensorAdvanced PowerCast Powered Tailboard
117 193$ CAD / 82 600$ USD
Contourmaster/ Fixed speed/ 3-Speed/ 480/80R42 DLS/ 50%/ 2 Wheel Drive/ 600/70R28/ Factory tank extensions less cover/ 22.5 FT/ Manual adjust Tailboard -- HID Lighting Package and Header Extremity LightsDuals/Singles: DualsSectionalized Concave Cover Plates (Set of 3 covers with 4 pieces to make one complete cover) for Large Wire and Small Wire Concaves only 2-Wheel DriveHeader: NoCombine Type: Corn/Bean3 Speed Transmission Electric Shift and Electric BrakeSmall Wire ConcaveClean Grain Auger and Fan Bottom Protection Shielding110 kW Heavy Duty Tilt Cylinder, High Torque, Variable Speed Drive System with 3.15 In. (80 MM) Lift CylindersChopper/Spreader: ChopperPremium Cab with Premium RadioGreenStar 3 2630 Display (mounted on armrest)S-Series Cleaning Shoe General Purpose Chaffer and Sieve with TouchSetCustom Cutter Extended Wear Separation and Concave PackageManual Adjust Vane TailboardOptions: Yield MonitorAxle: 2WDEngine Coolant Heater - 110 Volt (Not available for Export)520/85R42 R1 Duals 157A8 (Firestone or Goodyear)600/65R28 R1W 154A8 (Firestone or Goodyear)AutoTrac Ready with Harvest Monitor26 Ft. (7.9 M) Unloading AugerUSA (English)
172 000$ CAD / 121 229$ USD
615P Pickup - Premium Cab with Premium Radio & HID Lighting - Contour master Feederhouse - AutoTrac Ready with Harvest Monitor - 7" GS3 CommandCenter - 3 Speed Transmission Electric Shift - Variable Stream Rotor - 22.5' Unloading Auger - Advanced PowerCast tailboard - Singles - Heated Seat - SideHill Performance Package - Additional "Full" Grain Tank Sensor. -- Duals/Singles: Singles615P PickupVariable Stream Rotor520/85R42 SinglesAdvanced PowerCast tailboardChopper/Spreader: SpreaderCombine Type: Small GrainHeader: YesOptions: Yield MonitorPremium Cab with Premium Radio & HID LightingAxle: 2WD3 Speed Transmission Electric Shift22.5' Unloading AugerSideHill Performance PackageHeated SeatAutoTrac Ready with Harvest MonitorContour master Feederhouse7" GS3 CommandCenterAdditional "Full" Grain Tank Sensor
229 000$ CAD / 161 404$ USD
Batteuse John Deere S670, année 2012, heures moteur 3500, heures ROTOR 2400, moteur 6 cylindres turbo diesel, 4X4, feeder tilt latéral avec trappe à roches, feeder à vitesse variable, concave pour petit et gros grains et maïs, poulie variable pour table à petit grain, capteur de rendement, big top mécanique, vis de déchargement pour table de 30 pieds, cabine avec chauffage et A/C, siège avec suspension à l'air, moniteur, lumières de travail, miroirs, gyrophare, chopper standard. Pneus avant 20.8R42 avec roues doubles sur essieux Firestone Pneus arrière 750/65R26 Financement disponible. 3500 heures, 6 cylindres, Roues avant: 620/85R42, Roues arrière: 28L-26, Diesel, 4RM, 500.0 CV
165 000$ CAD / 115 944$ USD
Premium Cab with Premium Radio, HID Lighting Package, AutoTrac Ready, 7 In. Color Touchscreen GS3 CommandCenter, ProDrive Transmission with Harvest Smart, Standard feederhpouse, S-Series Cleaning Shoe, TriStream Rotor, 22.5 Ft. Unloading Auger, Fine cut chopper with Manual Adjust Vane Tailboard, 520/85R42 Duals with high flotation 28L-26 rears, SideHill Performance Package -- Duals/Singles: Duals22.5 Ft. Unloading AugerStandard feederhpouseChopper/Spreader: ChopperCombine Type: Small GrainHeader: NoPremium Cab with Premium Radio520/85R42 Duals with high flotation 28L-26 rearsHID Lighting PackageOptions: Yield MonitorAxle: 2WDAutoTrac ReadySideHill Performance PackageTriStream RotorFine cut chopper with Manual Adjust Vane TailboardProDrive Transmission with Harvest SmartS-Series Cleaning Shoe7 In. Color Touchscreen GS3 CommandCenter