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  • # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1322957
  • Endroit: Gimli, Manitoba

2011 John Deere 9870 with engine hours of 3533, separator hours of 2410. Comes from a farm that upgraded to X9 combines. They've owned this combine since 2011. It's a 2012. Comes sold separately. It's a straight cut 635F and 608C corn header. Very well maintained. Power rear wheel assist. 310 bushel hopper. There was a fleet of these combines on the farm. This is the last one to go due to upgrading to new X9 combines. Called Jordan 204-651-0008

(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)

Norsemen Auction Inc , Gimli, Manitoba