139 000$ CAD / 96 999$ USD
630A pickup, 48 knife cutterhead with hard-faced knife holders, High arch spout, Stainless steel chute, HID Lights, IVT lock feedroll transmission, Straight tooth feed rolls, Auto lube system, 800 R32 Drives, Power mirrors, Spout rinse, Additional working lights Adjustable rear axle, John Deere 12.5L 440 Rated HP. 510 HP boost. -- HID LightsStainless steel chuteAdditional working lights Adjustable rear axleStraight tooth feed rollsPower mirrorsKernel Processor: NoAxle: No PRWDHigh arch spoutSpout rinse IVT lock feedroll transmissionAuto lube system800 R32 DrivesJohn Deere 12.5L 440 Rated HP. 510 HP boost.Comes with 630A pickup48 knife cutterhead with hard-faced knife holders
59 000$ CAD / 41 172$ USD
Powershift; 420/85R26 Front Tires; 520/85R38 Rear Tires
52 000$ CAD / 36 288$ USD
4x4, quad shift, great condition
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18.4-38, 14.9-28 tires, dual PTO, 3 pt, cat. II, 2 remotes