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88 000$ CAD / 61 802$ USD

  • # d’équipement d’AgricoleIdéal: 1307996
  • # d'inventaire: 253434
  • Endroit: Leader, Saskatchewan

1000 PTO 1 3/8", Dry Hay w/High Moisture Kit, Titan 21.5L-16.1SL 8Ply High Float, Mega Wide Pickup w/Gauge Wheels, Push Bar, Surface Wrap wo/ Twine, Hyd Pickup Lift, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Wrapping: Both Twine and Surface WrapTitan 21.5L-16.1SL 8Ply High FloatWidth of Bale: 5 FeetPTO: 1000Push BarMega Wide Pickup w/Gauge WheelsPickup: Mega Wide1000 PTO 1 3/8"Dry Hay w/High Moisture KitHyd Pickup LiftPrecut Knives: NoSurface Wrap wo/ Twine

(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)

Pattison Agriculture , Leader, Saskatchewan