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67 900$ CAD

  • # d’équipement d’AgricoleIdéal: 1282538
  • # d'inventaire: 10359446
  • Endroit: Petrolia, Ontario

Rubber Tire Closing SystemRegular Seed Tube with AccuCount SensorRow Command: NoComputerTrak 350 Less Radar Speed/Distance SensorMetering System: Vacuum3.0 Bushel Seed HoppersFrame: RigidHopper: 3.0 BushelEnglish Operators Manual and Decal KitMarkers with 16 In. Notched Disks, Depth Gauging Bands and Control Connected to Planter LiftRow Spacing: 15/30 inAdjustable Heavy Duty Down Force SpringsMechanical Vacuum Gauge - 0 to 30 In. of WaterTru-Vee Openers with Single Walking Gauge WheelsRoller Chain DriveSoybean Seed Metering Disk - Fifteen DisksRows: 8/15Unit Mounted Coulter with 0.63 In. 25 Fluted Blades

(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)

Podolinsky Equipment Ltd. , Petrolia, Ontario