119 362$ CAD / 83 000$ USD
45'/ Flex Draper/ Finger reel with flip over bundle/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 70% -- Platform size: 45 FeetPlatform Kind: Flex/DraperOptions: Flip Over Reel
35 952$ CAD / 25 000$ USD
12 Row/ 30 inch spacing/ Non Chopping/ Hydraulic deck plates/ Knife rolls/ Auto Header Height Sensors/ Row Sense -- Number of Rows: 12StalkMaster: NoHeader Row Spacing: 30
28 788$ CAD / 20 000$ USD
8 Row/ 30 inch spacing/ Non Chopping/ Non Folding/ Hydraulic deck plates/ Knife rolls/ Auto Header Height Sensors -- Number of Rows: 8StalkMaster: NoHeader Row Spacing: 30
236 781$ CAD / 164 500$ USD
12 Row/ 22 inch spacing/ Chopping/ Non Folding/ Hydraulic deck plates/ Knife rolls/ Auto Header Height Sensors/ 12 STOMPERS/ RSense -- 12R/22/CC/HDP/KR/AHHS/12STM/RSense
28 043$ CAD / 19 500$ USD
35'/ Flex/ AWS Wind system/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 70% -- Platform size: 35 FeetAuger with full width fingersPlatform Kind: FlexibleOptions: Wind System Filter
79 096$ CAD / 55 000$ USD
18 Row/ 20 inch spacing/ Chopping/ Non Folding/ Hydraulic deck plates/ Knife rolls/ Auto Header Height Sensors/ 4 STOMPERS/ Poly snouts/ Row sense -- 18R/20/CC/HDP/KR/AHHS/Psnout/4STMP/RSense
93 561$ CAD / 65 000$ USD
40'/ Flex Draper/ Finger reel with flip over bundle/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 70% -- Dual knife drive Platform size: 40 FeetPlatform Kind: Flex/DraperOptions: Flip Over ReelPoly tine pickup reel
46 738$ CAD / 32 500$ USD
40'/ Flex Draper/ AWS Wind system/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 50% -- Platform size: 40 FeetPlatform Kind: Flex/DraperAWS Wind System
63 420$ CAD / 44 100$ USD
35'/ Flex/ AWS Wind system/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 70% -- Platform size: 35 FeetAuger with full width fingersheader has RHHS
236 781$ CAD / 164 500$ USD
12 Row/ 22 inch spacing/ Chopping/ Non Folding/ Hydraulic deck plates/ Knife rolls/ Auto Header Height Sensors/ 12 STOMPERS -- Number of Rows: 12StalkMaster: YesHeader Row Spacing: 22
107 138$ CAD / 74 500$ USD
35'/ Flex/ Crary Wind system/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 80% -- 35'/Flex/CRWS/HHSRM/Poly/80%
107 138$ CAD / 74 500$ USD
35'/ Flex/ Crary Wind system/ Header height sensors in rigid mode/ Poly/ 80% -- 35'/Flex/CRWS/HHSRM/Poly/80%