26 000$ CAD / 18 079$ USD
R.H Discharge, Dual Feed Roller, Hi Flotation Tires, Hydraulic Hose Holder. -- R.H Discharge DoorHydraulic Hose HolderDual Feed RollerHi Flotation Tires
15 000$ CAD / 10 430$ USD
Bale processor with RH Discharge and Hydraulic Deflector Shield. -- Hydraulic deflector shieldRH Discharge
37 000$ CAD / 25 728$ USD
Twin Rotor, Fine Cut Chopper, Hydraulic Deflector -- Twin Rotor, Fine Cut Chopper, Hydraulic Deflector
17 500$ CAD / 12 169$ USD
1000 rpm, PTO, Bale Fork, Tires- Hi Floatation x 2 -- Tires- Hi Floatation x 2Bale Fork1000 rpm PTO
27 000$ CAD / 18 758$ USD
Nice Shape. Has Grain Tank. 50 bales since Highline did updates. Gone through at dealership last season. Comes with new hammers and grain tank gear box. Approx. $2200 in parts will come with unit. Grinds 2 and carries one bale. -- Comes with new hammers and grain tank gear box. Approx $2200 in parts will come with unit.Gone through at dealership last season.Nice Shape. Has Grain Tank. 50 bales since Highline did updates.Grinds 2 and carries one bale.
42 000$ CAD / 29 179$ USD
The Complete Feed Ration 1251 (CFR 1251) is a machine to process round bales & grain. It can process 2 bales at the same time. The CFR 1251 mixes & the bales before discharging the processed feed. -- 1000 pto; 21.5L -16.1 Tires; Can process 2 bales at the same time; Dual Chamber; Optional feed chopper; Optional Grain Tank; Right hand discharge; Upgraded Feeding Chain
9 500$ CAD / 6 606$ USD
Bale Processor, 1000 PTO, Left Hand Discharge, Requires 2 Hydraulics. -- Bale ProcessorLeft Hand DischargeRequires 2 Hydraulics1000 PTO
119 500$ CAD / 83 096$ USD
FaStack 1800 Large Square Bale Stacker. 18 - 4x3 bale capacity, 2900lb capacity bale lift arm, 16K 10 Bolt Hubs, 500/45/22.5 Tires. https://youtu.be/hW6dYy1w5KM -- Side rail standard500/45/22.5 Tires18 4x3 bale capacity16K 10 Bolt Hubs2900lb capacity bale lift arm
14 900$ CAD / 10 352$ USD
Comes with feed chopper. -- Chopper
29 500$ CAD / 20 513$ USD
Round bale picker. 14 Bale capacity. -- 14 Bale capacityTandem Axle