- # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1297325
- Heures: 7537
- Endroit: Woodstock, Ontario
John Deere 8400, 16 speed powershift, 4 remotes, large 1000 PTO, quick hitch, LED lights, front and rear weights, 520/85R42 rear duals and 420/90R30 front tires. 7537 hours. $103,900 CAD. Shipping available across Canada and the USA.
(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)
- # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1272233
- Heures: 550
- Endroit: Waterford, Ontario
Blue Power, Auto Command, Front Linkage & PTO, GPS Field Ready
(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)
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14 999$ CAD / 10 386$ USD
Factory Cab
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700,00$ CAD / 487,87$ USD
USED LIKE NEW - 15 HP, 30 inch clearance, Power steering, Hand warmers, Drift Cutters, Electric start.
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NEW, REP PHOTO, Front pto, AFS CONNECT, GPS, Leather
125 000$ CAD / 87 120$ USD
NEW Atlas Copco XATS1200CUD 1200CFM Compressor
139 000$ CAD / 96 878$ USD
IVT, TLS, active seat, SF3000 globe, 2600 screen, 800/70R38 600R30,
4 500$ CAD / 3 136$ USD
snow wing blade 7'-12' expandable - will add skid steer or ALO qt bracket to it. Stock # BR03133
2 500$ CAD / 1 742$ USD
12' snow blade to fit backhoe, 28" high, 20" ends. Stock # BR03124
152 500$ CAD / 106 287$ USD
2018 John Deere 6215R, 2955hrs, AQ, 50kph, front axle and cab suspension, 650/65R42 and 540/65R30, 3scvs, 540/540E/1000RPM, air and hyd trailerbrake, isobus, hyd stabilizers on 3point, large electric mirrors
Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix
2021 MF 7715s, 1370hrs, CVT, 50kph, full guidance, front axle and cab suspension. FL. 4327 loader with live 3rd function and suspension , 650/65R38 and 540/65R28. Hyd trailerbrake, 540/540E/1000/1000E, 250kg wheel weights, 4rear scvs, isobus.
298 500$ CAD / 208 043$ USD
900/60R42, 4 wheel steer, Front 3point, Heavy drawbar, 5 rear and 2 front scvs, LED lights, air ride cab, hyd trailerbrake,
36 000$ CAD / 25 091$ USD
*445 single tires; *newer screws and knives; *New gear box
126 000$ CAD / 87 817$ USD
Tires 750/65R26; 372 Receiver Omni HP/XP; NavII Controller; Lighting HID (6); Lights Distance; Luxury Cab; Seat Leather; Chopper MagnaCut Extra Fine Dl; Grain Tank Cover Hydraulic; HC Unload 50' Hdrs; Extended Wear Cone; 3016 pickup sn YDS037124