2000, 70', Degelman 7000 Strawmaster Harrow Bar, Owner states:Wheel bearings good, Some new tires, Harrow tines changed in 2019
92 900$ CAD / 64 357$ USD
82' Harrow Bar, BKT 16.5L-16.1SL, Goodyear 12.5L-15FI, 7 Bar, Carbide Tines (Welded Chunk), Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- BKT 16.5L-16.1SL82' Harrow BarCarbide Tines (Welded Chunk)Goodyear 12.5L-15FI7 Bar
104 500$ CAD / 72 393$ USD
82' Harrow Bar, Goodyear 16.5L-16.1SL, Goodyear 11L-15FI5 Bar, Carbide Tines (Welded Chunk), Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- 5 Bar82' Harrow BarCarbide Tines (Welded Chunk)Goodyear 11L-15FIGoodyear 16.5L-16.1SL
43 100$ CAD / 29 858$ USD
70', 5 Bar, Carbide Tines, Hydraulic Tine Adjust, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- 5 BarHydraulic Tine AdjustCarbide Tines70'
81 900$ CAD / 56 737$ USD
82ft; Wing/Truss Frame 82'; 5 Row 6' Sections Str 5/8; Crate Hyd Rephasing Cyl - SM7002 - 82' -- 82 feet
Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix
Strawmaster 70, 5 rows 26" x 5/8" tungsten carbide endura-tip tines, 10' wide sections, three setting indicators: one for cart height, one for beam torsion, and one for tine angle, minimum 400hp, Call for more details and price
64 900$ CAD / 44 960$ USD
2015 Degelman Strawmaster 70ft; 5/8x26" Straight Tines; Carbide Endura Tip; Manual Tine Adjust -- 70 feet
75 000$ CAD / 51 957$ USD
70ft; Hyd Tine Angle; 5/8" Tine W/ Carbide Tips; Knuckles Good; Valmar 3255 (2017) 2 Section Control -- 70 feet
79 900$ CAD / 55 352$ USD
70ft Heavy Harrow; Hyd Tine Angle; Weld on Carbide Tips -- 70 feet
32 300$ CAD / 22 376$ USD
2011 DEGELMAN SM7000 HEAVY HARROW -- *** See store for Availability ***