61 500$ CAD / 43 524$ USD
A/C,pilot controls,ext-a-boom,hyd quick att bucket,ex rubber
8 500$ CAD / 6 016$ USD
Case loader with homemade quick attch,2 buckets, ring chains, 1 set of aux, showing 2500 hours, 3pt,pto,very good tires, runs good
32 000$ CAD / 22 647$ USD
extendahoe,farm unit
68 800$ CAD / 48 691$ USD
articulating rock truck,30 tons,Cummins 300hp,runs good, meter reads 11600 hours
15 000$ CAD / 10 616$ USD
extend a hoe,runs good,cash and carry
6 500$ CAD / 4 600$ USD
fire damage mostly to cab and engine compartment,parts machine