184 900$ CAD / 128 528$ USD
Stock # S55311 - Deluxe Suspended Cab, Active 8 Transmission, 3 Rear Remotes, 14.9 R/30 Front Michellin Tires, 18.4 R/42 Rear Michellin Tires w/ Weights, Remote Adusted Mirrors, Premium Seat, Qualifies for 4.99% up to 84 Months
179 500$ CAD / 124 774$ USD
4.99% Financing Up To 84 Months OAC Active 8 Power Shift, Cab Suspension, Self Leveling Loader, 3rd Function, Pro 700, Michelin Tires, 3 Remotes, Multi Controller Arm Rest, Power Train Warranty Remaining