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21 700$ CAD / 15 084$ USD
CASE IH 3016 15 Ft Pickup Combine Header • Swathmaster pickup • 15 Ft • 540 PTO drive • 3 belt • Caster gauge wheels • Mechanical flotation • Fits newer style CNH combines Combines, swathers, headers and other harvest and AG equipment available. Call or text Paul to discuss further at 780- 656-5808 STK#072
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Belt pick-up - 15 ftCaster gauge wheelsPTO drive - 15 ft. headerHours: 0Mechanical flotationEnglish for North America
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Belt pick-up - 15 ftCaster gauge wheelsPTO drive - 15 ft. headerHours: 0Mechanical flotationEnglish for North America
Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix
Belt pick-up - 15 ftCaster gauge wheelsPTO drive - 15 ft. headerHours: 0Mechanical flotationEnglish for North America
14 900$ CAD / 10 357$ USD
2009 CASE IH 35 Foot Auger Flex Header, model 2020-35 with cross auger and pick up reel. Solid field ready unit! Fits CASE AFX models and New Holland CX and CR combines. Call or text Paul to discuss further at 780-656-5808