- # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1331430
- Heures: 1130
- Endroit: Watford, Ontario
Front Hitch and PTO, Ultimate Cab Package, Premium Seat, Joystick control, 4 rear +1 front hydraulic remotes, Power Beyond, 540E, 1000, 1000E PTO speeds, This unit is being operated on our farm and is in field ready condition. Call for a full list of specifications, Various tire configurations available for row crop applications, Call for Warranty and Financing details, Trades accepted, Looking for something different? Give us a call
(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)
- # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1331431
- Heures: 3845
- Endroit: Watford, Ontario
540E, 1000, 1000E PTO speeds, 710/75R42 rear, 650/60R34 front, High vertical load CAT3 drawbar, 59 gal per min hydraulic pump, Premium radio package, Premium lighting package, Front hitch ready package, Power mirrors, This unit is being operated on our farm and is in field ready condition. Call for a full list of specifications, Various tire configurations available for row crop applications, Financing Available, Trades accepted, Looking for something different? Give us a call
(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)
2013,90’ Bourgault 6000 mid harrow,Light kit,Good Year 16.5L-16.1SL mainframe rubber,S/N 41389MH-09
2008,70’ Bourgault 6000 mid harrow,All new tines on leading row, rest of tines are avg 18”,S/N 39506MH-14
33 500$ CAD / 23 274$ USD
90 ft, new tines,auto fold, hyd height adjust,11Lx15 rubber
38 000$ CAD / 26 400$ USD
70' mid harrow,new carbide tines, excilent cond
45 000$ CAD / 31 263$ USD
70' Mid Harrow, 5 Bars, 11 L x 15 Tires.
13 900$ CAD / 9 657$ USD
90'; Manual Tine Adjust; Manual Jack -- 90' Bourgault 6000 Mid Harrow
42 500$ CAD / 29 526$ USD
90' Mid Harrow, 5 Bars, 16.1 x 16.1 tires