704 000$ CAD / 502 498$ USD
2021 Bourgault 3335QDA drill and 2021 71300 air cart. 84' on 10" space. INTEREST FREE financing available. MRB. Full Intelligent Ag Blockage. 3/4" Knife. High Floatation tires. Saddle tank. Bulk Boom. Section Control. Weigh Scales. Conveyor. Dual HC Fans. For more information, please call your local Agrilink Equipment. Thank you!
850 000$ CAD / 606 709$ USD
High floatPack master and liftmasterConveyor surge brakesSaddle tankMRB's76ft on 10" spacingHi cap Hi psi fansHours: 05.0 V style packersIAS blockageSectional controlRear duals
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688 200$ CAD / 491 221$ USD
76' QDA Drill, Triple Shoot w/12" Spacing, Mid Row Bander, Dry Fertilizer, 8 Run, Parallel Link, 1/2" Knife, High Float, Semi-Pneumatic Packers, 994bu. Tow Behind Tank, 1/465bu.,2/165bu.,3/100bu.,4/220bu.,5/44bu.Tank Load Cells, Triple Shoot w/ Variable Rate Sectional Control, 5 Hydraulic Driven Meters, 15" Belt Conveyor w/ 10" Tube w/ Hydraulic Swing & Remote, 2 High Capacity & 1 High Speed Fans, Digital Calibration Weigh Scale, Cameras In All Tanks & Rear Facing, Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO, Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO Duals, X35 Monitor, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Triple Shoot w/12" SpacingTriple Shoot w/ Variable Rate Sectional Control76' QDA Drill5 Hydraulic Driven MetersMid Row BanderTank Load CellsCameras In All Tanks & Rear FacingHigh Float1/465bu.,2/165bu.,3/100bu.,4/220bu.,5/44bu.15" Belt Conveyor w/ 10" Tube w/ Hydraulic Swing & RemoteDry Fertilizer8 RunWidth: 76Goodyear IF850/75R42CFOParallel LinkGoodyear IF850/75R42CFO DualsSemi-Pneumatic Packers994bu. Tow Behind Tank2 High Capacity & 1 High Speed Fans1/2" KnifeDigital Calibration Weigh ScaleSpacing: 12"X35 Monitor
775 000$ CAD / 553 176$ USD
66' Drill, Double Shoot, Mid Row Bander, Dry Fertilizer, 6 Runs, Parallel Link w/Independent Opener, High Float, Bourgault Blockage All Run Seed & Fert, Semi-Pneumatic Packers, TBH Cart 950Bu465/165/100/220/44 Tank Split, Cart Load Cell Scale, Hydraulic Meters, 15" Conveyor, Dual Fans, Bag Lift, Front Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO R1W, Rear Duals Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO R1W, Camera At Rear, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Rear Duals Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO R1W66' DrillMid Row BanderHigh Float465/165/100/220/44 Tank SplitDry FertilizerShoot: Double ShootHydraulic MetersParallel Link w/Independent OpenerDouble ShootBourgault Blockage All Run Seed & FertSemi-Pneumatic PackersFront Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO R1WBag LiftCamera at rear15" ConveyorTBH Cart 950BuCart Load Cell Scale6 RunsDual FansSpacing: 10"
301 100$ CAD / 214 918$ USD
Width: 50', Spacing: 10", Shoot: Double Shoot, Mid Row Shank, Dry Fertilizer Type, 6 Run, Independent Opener, Factory 1/2" Tips, Sectional Control, Bourgault Blockage, All Run SeedSemi-Pneumatic Packers, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Dry Fertilizer Type6 RunWidth: 50Shoot: Double ShootBourgault BlockageSemi-Pneumatic PackersAll Run SeedMid Row Shankfactory 1/2" tipsSectional ControlIndependent OpenerSpacing: 10"
736 600$ CAD / 525 767$ USD
76' 3335 QDA Drill, Triple Shoot w/ 12" Spacing, Mid Row Bander, Dry Fertilizer, 8 Run, Parallel Link, 1/2" Knife Fert & Seed, High Float, Semi-Pneumatic Packers, 994 bu. Tow Behind Cart, 1/465bu.,2/165bu.,3/100bu.,4/220bu.,5/44bu.Tank Load Cells, Triple Shoot w/ Variable Rate & Sectional Control, 5 Hydraulic Driven Meters, 8 Run, 15" Belt w/ 10" Tube Conveyor w/ Hydraulic Swing Remote, 2 High Capacity,1 High Speed Fans, Digital Calibration Weigh Scale, Cameras All Tanks & Rear Facing, Goodyear IF850/75R42CFO, Firestone IF850/75R42CFO Rear Duals, X35 Monitor, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- 994 bu. Tow Behind CartDigital Calibration Weigh ScaleHigh FloatWidth: 76Shoot: Double ShootTriple Shoot w/ Variable Rate & Sectional ControlGoodyear IF850/75R42CFO8 Run5 Hydraulic Driven MetersX35 MonitorMid Row BanderTank Load Cells1/465bu.,2/165bu.,3/100bu.,4/220bu.,5/44bu.Dry Fertilizer8 RunTriple Shoot w/ 12" Spacing2 High Capacity,1 High Speed FansParallel LinkSemi-Pneumatic Packers76' 3335 QDA DrillCameras All Tanks & Rear Facing15" Belt w/ 10" Tube Conveyor w/ Hydraulic Swing Remote1/2" Knife Fert & SeedFirestone IF850/75R42CFO Rear DualsSpacing: 12"
990 000$ CAD / 706 638$ USD
Trimax Air KitsIntelligent Ag Full Run BlockageSide Band Openersw/ 91300 Air Tank76' 12" Spacing MRB'sX35 Scales5 Tank Metering Trimax FansS/N 44441AS-0220" Conveyor with Bulk Boom
990 000$ CAD / 706 638$ USD
Trimax Air KitsIntelligent Ag Full Run BlockageSide Band Openersw/ 91300 Air Tank76' 12" Spacing MRB'sX35 Scales5 Tank Metering Trimax Fans20" Conveyor with Bulk BoomS/N 44441AS-01
768 900$ CAD / 548 822$ USD
76' w/ 10" Spacing 3335 QDA PLS ToolBar, Double Shoot w/ Mid Row Bander w/ Dry Fertilizer, 3/4" Bourgault Tips, Parallel Link Openers, High Float Frame, Intelligent AG Wireless Blockage Monitors All Run Seed/Fert, 4" V Semi-Pneumatic Packers, 950TBH Cart w/ Saddle Tank, T1,465/T2,165/T3,100/T4,220/T5,44 BU, Cart Load Cell, Double Shoot w/ Variable Rate & Sectional Control, Hydraulic Meters, 8 Run15" Conveyor Auger w/ Hydraulic Swing & Remote, 2 x High Capacity Fans, Bulk Boom & Calibration Weigh Scale, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Cart Load CellDouble Shoot w/ Variable Rate & Sectional ControlWidth: 76T1,465bu/T2,165bu/T3,100bu/T4,220bu/T5,44bu8 Primary RunsShoot: Double ShootSemi-Pneumatic 4" PackersGoodYear 850/75/R46950 Bu TBH w/ 44bu Saddle TankTopcon xc35High Float FrameCalibration Weigh ScaleAll Run Fert & SeedMid Row BanderBulk BoomDouble Shoot w/ 10"Dry Fertilizer8 RunDual Fans High Capacity76' 3335 QDA PLS5 Hydraulic MetersParallel LinkIntelligent AG Wireless Blockage3/4" Carbide TipsHydraulic Swing & RemoteSpacing: 10"15" Belt Conveyor w/ 10" Tube
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CAMERA HARNESS-CROSS TILLAGE TO 9000 SERIES TANKX35 blkg 8p DS 1-1/2 mrb tbhdCATEGORY 4 SOCKET UPGRADE FRONT HITCH FOR A 2" PINQDA base hf 3335-60Opr spacing 10" 60Ask ds mrb ****@10 8 port 1-1/2hsOpr hyd 10" 60Ask SS ****@10 8 port 1-1/8HSHub spndl assy pls/pld 5.0V3335-60HF Common AssyPls/Plx Sdbt Std BG 333XPLS - Paralink Single OpenerPKG DCL MNL QDA HFPKG DCL PLS ADN 333XDouble Shoot 8 Port Coupler PkgPKG MRB RAISE/LWR ISLN SWHours: 0APOLLO ECU HARNESS-TRAILING (NO ECU3335-60PHD ConfiguredAPLO Press ContSUPPLEMENPOWER HARNESS - CROSS DRILLA/S HYD 1IN DUAL HF 60-86Single Shoot 8 Port Coupler PKGPackmaster CMPL 333X 3720
838 800$ CAD / 598 715$ USD
86' QDA Drill, Double Shoot 10 " Spacing, Mid Row Bander, Dry Fertilizer, 10 Run, 1"knife, High Float, AG Tron Blockage All Run Fert & Seed, 994BU Tow Behind Cart, 1/465bu.,2/165bu.,3/100bu.,4/220.bu,5/44bu.Tank Load Cells, Double Shoot w/ Variable Rate & Sectional Control, 5 Hydraulic Driven Meters, 10Run, 15" Belt Conveyor w/ 10" Tube w/ Hydraulic Swing & Remote, Dual High Capacity Fans, Camera In Saddle Tank, Goodyear IF850/75R 42 CFO, Goodyear, 850/75R42 CFO, X35 Monitor, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- 86' QDA Drill5 Hydraulic Driven MetersMid Row BanderDouble Shoot 10 " SpacingTank Load Cells10RunHigh FloatDry Fertilizer1/465bu.,2/165bu.,3/100bu.,4/220.bu,5/44bu.15" Belt Conveyor w/ 10" Tube w/ Hydraulic Swing & RemoteShoot: Double ShootGoodyear, 850/75R42 CFO1"knife994BU Tow Behind CartGoodyear IF850/75R 42 CFODouble Shoot w/ Variable Rate & Sectional ControlCamera In Saddle TankDual High Capacity Fans10 RunAG Tron Blockage All Run Fert & SeedSpacing: 10"X35 Monitor