191 900$ CAD / 133 533$ USD
C/W 9000 Air Kit, XTC, Vpackers, 10", MRB3, 1in Openers
495 000$ CAD / 344 444$ USD
MRB3, 4.5 Rd Packer, 1" Tip/Opener. C/W 7770 TBH Air Seeder, ASC, conveyor, brakes, baglift.
178 500$ CAD / 124 208$ USD
60', 500lb trips, mounted heavy harrows
14 900$ CAD / 10 368$ USD
BOURGAULT 6200 36 Ft Cultivator 12 inch spacing, rear harrow, NH3 package. Tillage and other field equipment available. Call or text Paul to discuss further at 780-656-5808
75 000$ CAD / 52 316$ USD
2019 Bourgault XR750-70 - 70' Heavy Harrows - 5 Rows of Tine - Please Call Brandt Ponoka 403-783-**** -- - Hydraulic angling tines with in cab control box.- Hydraulic jackXR750-70 - 70' Heavy Harrow - 70' working width