53 300$ CAD / 36 968$ USD
Batco BCX3 1549 Top or Bottom Mount Truck Load Conveyors available. AGI Batco conveyors specialize in gentle handling at a high capacity with low maintenance. They minimize impact damage & help protect grade quality & germination performance of seed. Specifications: -37HP EFI Vanguard Engine -IBEX Wheel Mover -Re-Engineered Hydraulic System -Urethane Hopper Seals -Up to 10,000 BPH -New S-Drive -Handles All Commodities -Command Center
73 500$ CAD / 50 978$ USD
Batco UCX3 1549 FDM Truck Load Belt Conveyor AGI Batco conveyors specialize in gentle handling at a high capacity with low maintenance. They minimize impact damage and help protect grade quality and germination performance of seed. Specifications: -Pinch S-Drive -40HP EFI Vanguard Engine -10" U-Trough -15” Direct X Belt -49’ Length -Redesigned Hopper -AWD IBEX Mover Kit -Command Centre -Light Kit -Capacity up to 10,000 BPH with canola -Capacity up to 12,500 BPH with wheat and peas