36 500$ CAD / 25 274$ USD
Baumalight TRL620D Mini Track loader, 25HP Kubota 3Cyl Diesel engine, factory equipped 3rd function hydraulics 42" quick attach bucket
36 500$ CAD / 25 274$ USD
tracked radial lift mini skidteer with 24hp kubota diese l [trl], martach 42" utility bucket [mub42m] forks not included
61 900$ CAD / 42 861$ USD
3.3 metric ton rubber trackk excavator, 788 hours, angle blade, factory cab with air conditioning, radio, quick coupler (K9930C3), hydraulic thumb, tooth bucket
129 500$ CAD / 89 669$ USD
8Ton Excavator, 697 hours, Wide Steel Tracks, Hydraulic thumb and 36" toothed bucket with machine.
79 500$ CAD / 55 048$ USD
One yard articulating loader.Factory cab with air conditioning, heater, Hydraulic released skid steer quick coupler. Operating weight 9300 lbs, rated operating lift with bucket 2500lbs very clean low hour machine, 900 hours
32 900$ CAD / 22 781$ USD
Baumalight TRL620D Mini Track loader, 25HP Kubota 3Cyl Diesel engine, factory equipped 3rd function hydraulics 42" quick attach bucket, only 500Hrs.
39 995$ CAD / 27 694$ USD
Compact Tractor Loader backhoe with 3rd function valve 820hrs
24 500$ CAD / 16 993$ USD
wheeled skid steer with plexiglass panels and heater w/ bucket 2871hours, fair condition