285 000$ CAD / 197 985$ USD
335hp, 70kph CVT transmission, 650/65R34, 900/50R42 Michelin tire, front 3pnt hitch + PTO, 850kg deck weight, Field Pro package, 2850hrs. *Willing to assist with shipping and brokerage fees to the United States*
333 000$ CAD / 231 330$ USD
1950 HRS, 335 HP, Front hitch and PTO, 4 rear SCV, Air Brakes, Front weight block, Rear deck block 900KG, Reversing Fan, Leather seat, 70km CVT Transmission, GPS ready, 600/60R38, 710/60R42, CAT5 draw bar *Willing to assist with shipping & brokerage fees to the US*