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BRAND NEW Mahindra 4540, 41 engine horsepower, 31 pto horsepower, Four wheel drive, 8 forward x 2 reverse speed transmission, 540 pto, Power steering, R1 Agricultural or R4 Industrial tires available, Mahindra 4550-4L loader with universal skidsteer quick-attach, 2866 lb. lift capacity to full height
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BRAND NEW Mahindra 6075, 71 engine horsepower, 61 pto horsepower, Four wheel drive, 15 forward x 15 reverse speed transmssion with Power Shuttle, Factory cab with heater & air conditioning, 540/540E pto, (2) sets of rear remotes, 16.9x30 rear tires, 11.2x24 front tires, Mahindra 6075CL loader with universal skidsteer quick-attach, 3550 lb. lift capacity to full height
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MY23, BRAND NEW, New holland Workmaster 25S, 24.7Hp, 3 cylinder diesel engine, four wheel drive, 2 range hydrostatic transmission, Cab with Heat, front and rear wiper, 3 point hitch, 540 rpm PTO, mid PTO, New Holland loader with skidsteer quick attach bucket, Industrial tires, quick start glow plugs, block heater, Call for best pricing on Cash or Finance Options Front mount snowblowers also available