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2024 Bridgeview Manufacturing 2470 24' Transformer Pulldozer 24' Working Width Serrated Blades 1000 x 25 Tires GPS Pedestal Lift and Tilt Functions
86 100$ CAD / 60 008$ USD
Cab Enclosure with Heat and AC, High Flow Hydraulics, Sound Reduction, Hydraulic Bucket Positioning, Power Bob-Tach, Deluxe Instrument Panel, Keyless Start, Attachment Control Kit, Cab Accessories Package, Two Speed Travel, 3-Point Seat Belt, Roller Suspension Undercarriage, Lift Capacity 3475lbs (35% of Tipping Load) 4960 (50% of Tipping Load), Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date. -- Roller Suspension UndercarriageLift Capacity 3475lbs (35% of Tipping Load) 4960 (50% of Tipping Load)Deluxe Instrument Panel, Keyless Start, Attachment Control Kit, Cab Accessories Package, Two Speed Travel, 3-Point Seat BeltA91 Option Package Included: Cab Enclosure with Heat and AC, High Flow Hydraulics, Sound Reduction, Hydraulic Bucket Positioning, Power Bob-Tach
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Cab and air20.5R25 L5 Tires3rd SpoolHyd Quick Attach3yd BucketLimited slip differntialRide ControlLocking coupler hydsCloth air seat
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Base-E-HEH2 Platinum Cab2English84" Low Profile Ext Lip BucketTransport ProtectionAir Ride Suspension Seat Heated450mm (17.7inch) Rubber TracksHeavy Duty Rear Door84" Bolt on Cutting EdgeSelf Level E&HHigh Flow Plus PackageCab E-H(F)Colour LCD Display-ClosedBlock HeaterHydraulic Coupler
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24"BucketPowershift S TransmissionCombi Aux Hyds12.5x80x18Front Tires93" BucketCab/Air 2 DoorsRide Control21Lx24 Rear Tires
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Pilot ControlsOne Way Backhoe Hyds4WD Standard Trans24" Backhoe Bucket93" Loader BucketRide Control
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12' 2" ArmHyd CouplerJoystick 3 SwitcPattern ChangerDig Bucket & ThumbCa & Air34" Grousers
84 000$ CAD / 58 545$ USD
Cab with HVACHD hyd couplerAir ride seatHigh flow
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Cab with HeatVinyl Seat72" Dirt Bucket with BOETwo SpeedEH - ISO ControlsHyd Quick Attach12-16.5 Rubber Tires
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32 900$ CAD / 22 930$ USD
2 SpeedHeat12 X 16.5 RubberHyd CouplerVinyl SeatVertical LiftHigh Flow84" GP Bucket