729,00$ CAD / 508,72$ USD
30 Gallon, poly tank, 12 Volt pump, 13" pneumatic tires, 2 nozzles, 80" spray boom
1 350$ CAD / 942,08$ USD
45 Gallon, 4 nozzles, 120" spray boom, 12 Volt pump, 15-600X6 pneumatic tires
1 975$ CAD / 1 378$ USD
3 PTH, 65 Gallon, poly tank, 12' coverage, roller pump, 25' spray gun hose, 10 GPM, regulating valve, air induction tips, includes set-up
1 150$ CAD / 802,51$ USD
12 Volt, varible speed control, 5 cubic foot capacity, poly hopper, 5'-45' spread, with wiring harness, cat I, weighs 125 Lbs., list $1439.00, COMING SOON
850,00$ CAD / 593,16$ USD
for 2" truck hitch, 1.5 bushel, ploy hopper, stainless steel 6" blade for spinner, 12 volt motor, up to 45' spread, used for seed, fertilizer ice melter or herbicides, variable speed control with on/off switch, list $999.00. ATV mount available @ $1150.00, COMING SOON