60 000$ CAD / 41 722$ USD
Chopping, Height and contour, Steering
690 000$ CAD / 479 800$ USD
2WD, Variable Feederhouse, Central lube, AUTO CONTOUR, APS threshing system - maize, Grain tank 13,500 litres, Grain tank unloading 180 l/s, Power spreader basic - SPECIAL CUT, PREMIUM LINE, Straw chopper drive for power spreader - Comfort Plus, Turbo chop, Camera system, Work lighting LED - Premium, Leather Seat, Round bar changable
99 000$ CAD / 68 841$ USD
- 28’ working width - Reblade - Scalloped discs - Pull-type - Manual depth control - RollFlex packing
325 000$ CAD / 225 993$ USD
2018 JAGUAR 950, 2WD, 710/38 front tires - 50%, Unlocked for yield / telematics / quantum meter and moisture
106 500$ CAD / 74 056$ USD
21' working width, 19" remaining notched discs, High speed disc 2 section folding, Manual depth ctl. with shims
151 000$ CAD / 105 000$ USD
Air Reel Rock guard Rear wall extension 2-piece / 6-bat CAM action standard reel Standard drive system Standard reel drive AUTO BELT SPEED Cutting system - coarse serration
Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix
Kuhn GMD 8730-FF + Kuhn GMD-310-F-FF triple mower set, non-conditioned, low acres
48 000$ CAD / 33 377$ USD
42' Working Width, 5 fold, 19.5" discs, Pull type, Rolling backets, Kongskilde Blades Hydraulic depth control, Single wing gauge wheel, Walking tandems on main frame and wings
9 750$ CAD / 6 780$ USD
26 row, 7" spacing, 3pt., Seed only, Mechanical drive, Spring down pressure, Markers, Rear hitch, Field ready
28 000$ CAD / 19 470$ USD
- 28' - Roller and harrow - Pull type - Manual leveling - Single roller and harrow - Folding - Pin to collar depth control - Walking Tandem on main frame and wings - 11l-15FI gauge wheel
65 000$ CAD / 45 199$ USD
- JD 2623 VT - 40' Working Width - Non-ISO
610 995$ CAD / 424 863$ USD
- Mercedes-Benz OM470 LA - 340 kW/456 hp (T4), ROTO PLUS Linseed 4/5 HP feeder housing - AUTO CONTOUR, belt, guide roller closed, Grain tank 13,500 litres, PREMIUM LINE, 180 L/s Grain tank unloading tube 4XL, Ø 420 mm, PREMIUM LINE, Power spreader basic - SPECIAL CUT, PREMIUM LINE Straw chopper drive for power spreader - Comfort Plus, Straw chopper - static knife/friction concave plate adj., manual, Automatic discharge direction adjustment, Comfort seat, leather, air-suspended, Leather instructor's seat, QUANTIMETER yield measurement, CEBIS terminal with leather armrest, Camera System - grain tank unloading tube, PROFI CAM display, Work lighting LED - Premium, AUTO PILOT module