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New NH L328 skidsteer, E-H Contol, Cab w/heat and ac, LCD display, air suspension seat, lap bar, performance pkg, hydraulic coupler, 14x17.5 HD tires, no bucket
19 900$ CAD / 13 852$ USD
Used open station skidsteer with 6,710 hours, 2 speed eh pilots, manual coupler, 12x16.5 tires, NH 72" LPE bucket with bolt on cutting edge, with weight kit; Fuel Type : Diesel
89 900$ CAD / 62 578$ USD
Consigned skidsteer, 205 hours,EH controls, LCD displac, HVAC Cab, Air suspension seat, demo door, lap bar, 1500 hour Michelin Radial14 x 17.5 tires, enhanced high flow, Hydraulic quick attach, 78" low profile bucket w/cut edge, glide ride and one way self level Rear hitch and extended fenders Base Warranty till Sept 28/2025, Esm has serviced machine
7 900$ CAD / 5 499$ USD
Consigned Skid Steer, 4480 Hours on the tach, 10x16.5 Tires @30%, ripped seat, skidsteer is green and white, Hand & Foot controls, 3 year old Horst Q Tach Plate, 64" Bucket, 48" Pallet Fork, New Battery Skidsteer Build Date Dec 5 1989
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New NH L328 skidsteer, E-H Contol, Cab w/heat and ac, LCD display, air suspension seat, lap bar, high flow aux, hydraulic coupler, 14x17.5 HD tires, no bucket
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Track machine, eh cab controls, Heat and a/c, LCD display, air ride susp. seat, high flow plus pkg, no bucket
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cab w/hvac, EH controls, lcd display, hyd coupler, front elec/multi funtion, air suspension seat, lap bar, 12x16.5 tires
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EH controls, LCD display, air susp. seat, lap bar, hydraulic coupler, front elec/multi function, 78" low profile bucket with edge, 12x16 premium tires