22 500$ CAD / 15 697$ USD
1996 John Deere 450 Drill with Grass Seeder, 3 Sections, 36 Ft
55 000$ CAD / 38 370$ USD
Case IH 1250 early riser corn planter 12 rows 30', liquid fertilizer, pro 700 monitor , machine has done 9900 acres, no till coulters
100 000$ CAD / 69 764$ USD
White 9186, 16 row 30' corn planter, Heavy duty down pressure springs, Markers. No till coulters, liquid fertilizer , radar y harness, rubber closing wheels, 3 bushel hoppers, Low acres 5413 Offering low rate financing
17 900$ CAD / 12 488$ USD
John Deere 7200, 8 ROW, 30' PLANTER with dry fertilizer, box ext, seed box ext, insecticide boxes, trash whips, markers. Call 519-652-1552